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Friday, March 30, 2012


rase cam panas jek dua, tiga hari ni..haha
cam nak pegi tempat sejuk jek..
yelah! sejuk2 kan badan...
paling best!
 saje buat "haa" "haa" "haa" sebab nak tengok asap kuar dari mulut...

oke lah! nak packingla nak pergi tempat sejuk tuu..

p/s: awak...esok jangan lambat tau...hehe

Saturday, March 24, 2012

aku rindu

semuanya telah pergi...
yang tinggal hanyalah KERINDUAN...
kerinduan aku padanya...

setiap kali bunyi tone massage...
hanya satu aku harap kan...
penghantarnya adalah si DIA..

Friday, March 23, 2012

if i knew

if i knew..

if i knew it would be the last time 
that i'd see u fall asleep,
i would tuck you in more tightly,
and pray God your soul to keep.

if i knew it would be the last time,
i'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
i would video tape each action and word,
so i could pray them back day after day.

if i knew it would be the last time,
i could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "i love u"
instead of assuming u would know that i DO.

if i knew it would be the last time
i would be there to share your day,
well i'm sure you'll have so many more
so i can let just this one slip away.

for surely, there's always tomorrow
to make u for an oversight,
and we always get the second chance,
to make everything just right.

there will always be anther day
to say 'i love u' 
and certainly there's another chance to say 
"anything i can do?"

but just in case i might be wrong ,
and today is all i got,
i'd like to say how much i love u
and i hope we never forget.

tomorrow is a promise to anyone
young or old alike,
and today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight

so, if you are waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
for if tomorrow never comes,
you surely regret the day.

that you didn't take the extra time
for a smile, a smile. or a sake
and you were to busy to grant someone 
what turned out to be their last one wish.

and now i really..really regret it. for not grabbing the chance that was given to me.
for not saying the word that i should, for not doing the thing that i could.
just to show the one i love that i really do care.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Andai kata suatu hari nnt..
awk sdr y sy betul2 syg awk...
sy nk awk...
sebut nama sy dlm doa awk...
supaya sy dpt rasai y awk masih igtkan sy....
andai kata suatu waktu nnt....
awk sgt sedih...dan mase tu xde sape2 dgn awk...
awk tau kan cmner nk cri sy?
andai kata suatu saat nnt....
awk terluka....
awk igt lg kan cara nk cari ubat...
mcm dulu?
ubat 2 sentiasa ade unt awk...
walaupon xkn pernah kembali spt dulu..
ubat 2 sentiase ade....
andai kata suatu detik itu...
sy dh xde kat dunia ni...
awk jgn pernah rase bslh...
sbb sy dh maafkan awk..
walaupun pedih...
awk pun kene tau..
itu ujian dr ALLAH S.W.T...untuk sy....
sy nk awk gembira.... 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


sabtu lepas...have fun ngan orang tu..
main boling..
release tension nak exam kate nye..
xjauh pon..setiawan je..

mule2 ngat kan nak men 2game je..
tapi tambah lagi satu game..
xpuas la tu..
aku da sakit2 tangan..
maklum la..aku bukan shalin zulkifli..
aku oggey je kot..

tapi at least we're having fun~

lagu kanak-kanak

penah denga tak lagu budak2 tadika..lagu dia pasal gajah..
siyes! aritu baru first time aku dengar...hahaha JAKUN!
tergelak aku dengar anak buah aku nyanyi..

gajah berkaki empat MASYAALLAH..
hidungnya sangat panjang MASYAALLAH
gadingnya sangat besar tapi gajah xmakan orang..
kalo adik ingin tahu apa makanan gajah lalalallalalalala lalalalalalal
gajah makan tebu NYUM2!

oke la..da lambat off to telok batik

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


korang penah terfikir tak pasal nyamuk??

mane jantan...mane betina nye??
mane anak...mane bapak nye??
mane datuk...mane nenek nye??

aku pernah...

pernah skali terlintas kat fikiran..
gila kan??

Monday, August 15, 2011

azam ^_^v

aku kat sini arini bukan nak cakap sal mamat yang namenye azam yer..ahakz!
aku just nak cakap pasal azam aku bulan puase ni..ekekeke
ape diet..

aku berjaye ke x..tengokla raye nanti...
org cakap "fasting is about l0sing weight" tapi hakikatnye ramai org yang gain weight bulan puase mane tak nye..siang puase..tapi bile buke ya ampun! makan cam org xpenah makan..then malam lak ade sesi kedua..sesi ketiga..cane nak diet? makan smua nak berat2 lak tu..berlemak! ayam percik! murtabak! macam2 lagi jenis fo0d yang TINGGI KOLESTEROL..

well, pape pon..
kite tengokla lagi 2minggu jek...