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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

tough week i guess...


hurm...its been almost a week i didnt post any entry to my blog...kinda BZ with all the year...lots of final year projects...that gets me all dizzy!! and i hate this situation...HATE IT!!! im not as strong as what people think i totally WEAK...but im not a looser!! ok?

u know what...i asked my sissy once "what if i quit college"?? argh!! what a stupid question!! ahahah and she said "ur life u decide it..rite?? come on girls..its ur  final year dont be a quitter.."
herm..mayb she's rite..its my final last year..
i have to see someone who i can talk t0o...who can motivate me..who can make me feel "refresh"...

well...with all those semester, new environment...i have to struggle..struggle to excellence...
dear me and guide me in whatever im up to...

herm...i gotta class to attend..english for communication..hurm...gotta go!

promised my face all the obstacle in front..and bring back the old oggey in a new oggey!! ahahaha
the old oggey who never quit...who will face all the obstacle in front...who with a huge dreams and take all the responbility as a challenge to improve my self and become a better student...huahuahua

Saturday, August 7, 2010

birthdaY gUrLZzz...

pade tarikh itu...aku d lahirkan...20 tahun y besar upenye aku ni..aahahaha
di kesempatan ini aku nak ucapkan special thanx to all of my fwen bab sudi wish beday aku...

and a million of thanx to my r0ommate and as well as my classmate cos celebrating my beday...susah2 je...i really appreciate it sayang...this is unforgettable moment...aku mmg xkan lupekan peristiwa hari ni...thanx buddy..naik segan aku tado korang nyanyi kuat2 kat f0odcourt angsana...pastu soh aku "make a wish" ahahaha...

then lepas makan2 time...kite g karok...dalam bilik karok tu asyik ketawe je...ahahah...mane xnye..wan buat klaka...ahahaha

then lepas tu balik...lam kol 6.30...
w'apepon..weekend ni..weekend paling best dan taon ni...beday paling best bab aku celebrate ngan membe2...bukan cam taon2 lepas...hukhuk

walaupon pade awal taon 2010..aku xdapat trime y aku da nak masok umo 20...
tapi skunk mungkin aku da dapat trime...da dapat trime y aku ni da 20 taon...ades!!
tapi aku tetap aku...i am who i am...

herm...smoga hari2 y aku lalui setlah bergelar manusia y berusia 20-an ni lebey bermakna..
dan smoga sifay2 negatif lam diri aku ni dapat aku kikis sedikit demi sedikit...hoho

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

skEtcHing thE woRld iN mY owN waYs...

arini da sminggu da sem baru bermula...sem last "theory" semester..
ahahaha...ase cam nak blagak pon adew..."gua da senior babe!!"...ish...xelok riak..ahahaha
tapi sem ni mmg betol2 tough!! dye pye subject!!
  • purchasing, storing n receiving
  • malay cuisine
  • garde manger
  • enterpreneurship seminar
  • catering system operation
  • personnel management
  • pastry
  • communication
argh!!! ape bende smua tu..ahahaha...aku xtau pape...
dan aku amat yakin y membe2 aku pon nga pening pikir smua tu..ahahaha
adeii...smalam..ari pertama masok kelas..da ade 3 esemen y aku kene kumpol..ahahaha...smua nak seblom raye..resume lagi..

tadi pegi program bancian perumahan johor ape tah..ahahaha...dye wat meeting kat umah limas..danga bay...
jauh sangat meetingnye..huhuhu
da naik bas tu...aku nampak smua seat da, aku duduk jela seblah mamat ni...
bole pulak aku kene usha...shit!! damn shit!!
nampak cam dak baik..dak skema...hurmmmmm...
time ni aku tringat kat satu pepatah english...
"dont judge a b0ok by its cover"
siap tye2 beday aku tu...
tye3! baru sem satu..ase cam nak sekeh je kpale dak tuh...ish...mak anta kolej soh blajo...ko pegi usha akak2...da menyimpang tu dek...xelok..kecian mak ko...hancho hati dye..ahahaha..

*In conclusion...sem ni aku kene struggle!! struggle to excellence...
da xley nak main2 cam dulu..nak poya2..nak enjoy2...
aku kene fokus!!
aku kene start sketching my own future...from now on!!!
i know that i hate that shit thing!!! sketching my own future...!!!
but i have to..aku xmo kecundang...aku xmo tersungkur...
aku xakan myerah!!!
aku xkan berhenti berusaha...walau langit jatuh ke bumi!!
this is just the beginning of my future...
aku ase stakat ni sahaje aku nye entry tok arini...

*mencintai dan myayangi dye..hanye dye..hakhakhak..(sempat lagi seyh)