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Saturday, May 22, 2010

thE oNiOn pRincIpLe

Some people are like a raw egg. They have a hard outer exterior, but once their shell is cracked or broken by a stranger, a workmate, a friend, a family member, or by a romantic partner, they start to fall apart.

Some people are like a jelly. They are soft, squishy and easily devoured. They have no emotional barriers and they are easily manipulated and used by others.

Some people are like an onion. Onions thrive emotionally because they have emotional layers and they know who can be allowed access to each layer … when, and under what circumstances.

Onions understand their layers and how much of their emotional selves they can reveal and share with others, without the risk of deep emotional hurt. This protects them, while allowing them to reveal and share their emotional layers in safety as they choose.

The Onion Principle

Layer 1 is the outer layer with smooth protective skin. Outside this layer is the world at large including the people we meet, do business with, work with, and with whom we have social contact.

Layer 2 is the first inner layer. This is for friends, pals and others we know and like.

Layer 3 is the next inner layer. This is for close family members, and close friends we know and trust.

Layer 4 is for romantic, trusting friendship (boyfriend/girlfriend)

Layer 5 is for embarking on a loving long-term relationship

Layer 6 is for the children if the onion is a parent

Layer 7 is for a total partnership of love and commitment

Layer 8 is the innermost layer (the place where your "inner child" lives). It is your most personal, private inner emotional space.

It is important to understand that an onion does not practice universal mistrust of others. That’s unhealthy. An onion is simply a discerning person who knows that emotional layers are precious, and should only be revealed and shared when empathy, trust and understanding have reached a point where it’s safe to go to the next layer with another person.

Opening up a deep emotional layer to another person prematurely, especially to a person who will not, or cannot respond in kind, is a sure step towards a failed relationship. A problem for some people is that they naively confuse romantic infatuation with real love. This makes them think they can safely share their emotional layer 5 or even their layer 7 when, in reality, they should be only at emotional layer 3 or 4. If they discover that the other person has abused a deep inner emotional layer they have revealed and shared with that other person, the result can be devastating.

The happiest people I have met are the onions who understand themselves and the people around them. They manage their layers well, knowing which emotional layers are for acquaintances, friends, loved ones and their life partner.

Happy onions also know that taking responsibility for looking after their own inner emotional needs at layer 8 is the greatest gift they can give to themselves. Our inner layer needs our continuing care and attention if each of us is to thrive as an emotionally secure person.

I am a happy onion. Are you? If you are not, explore your inner self, identify your emotional layers and start learning how to manage your relationships with others. A good life coach can assist you if you need help.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


fuh!!! blew chef fazie panggil je bebo0duck sesi ke4 masok kitchen...kaki aku KETAQ la SIAL!!! hahahaha....
aku nak diri pon da XDE daye!! hahaha
baru aku tau...arini yang aku ni...memang la tersangat LEMAH...muahahaha
aku masok HELL KITCHEN! aku amik smua equipment aku...aku blah pegi kat WESTERN konon nak KETENANGANLA w'pon western tu PANASSS hahaha...
tapi aku agak lega la bab aku dapat LAMB RACK...xleceh sangat la...senang sket kalo nak d banding kan dengan bende lain...tapi aku bajet dapat chicken thigh ke chicken breast..huhu...lagi senang...hahaha...nak senang je keje aku...huhu..
30 minit pertama aku BAZIRkan bab nak hilangkan aku pye GABRA hahaha...minah gbrala katekan...hahahaha
tapi ALHAMDULILLAH bab aku dapat wat gak FINL kali ni...hahaha
walaupon aku pye DESSERT macam SIOT...hahaha...
aku ingat lagi kate2 chef fazie...
sebabnye aku terlebih taruk COLOURING..hahaha...
lagi satu...aku punye whipping cream pon SPLIT hahaha...OVER BEAT punye pasal...hahaha siot je...
tapi ni pengalaman la wat aku...bab aku tau dalam bidang CULINARY ni kat luar lagi mencabar...kalu stakat CACI MAKI tu perkare biase jer...nak2 nga chef foreigner...adoyai....
sabarla labu...hahaha

so, kengkawan stakat ni jela...hehe..spai jumpe lagi...

before EXAM!!!!!!

khamis...bertarikh 13 MEI 2010
keramat siot tarikh ni...EXAM FINAL aku western cookery...
dan sebelom tarikh itu...aku d kejutkan pulak ngan format baru western cookery final...FUSION SET MENU...
pergh!!! sangat mengujakan...
adrenalin aku naik spai ke puncak kepala aku..
pagi tu lepas kak intan, roommate aku g kitchen...aku okay lagi...siap kutuk2 lagi membe aku...bab muke die pucat..hahaha
tepat je jam 3.30...ake rase cam kepala aku nak pecah!!
jantung aku nak terkeluar...
right after i met my creature...berdoa semoga d permudahkan urusan aku...supaya aku mendapat ketenangan...aku trus bergerak menuju ke kitchen ...basic western...
time tu aku cuba tok berlagak tenang...
tapi smua orang kenal aku lah...
even...puan sheila(lect dining room sebis aku haha) panggil aku minah gabra...ADES!! hahaha...dapat lak title tu...
aku dapat title tu time aku blaja service ngan die...aku tumpah kan air depan en naim ngan en shah...aku nervous siot!!! bayangkanlah aku kene serve 2 orang lect ngan 2 orang senior aku yang agak ncem dan aku kagumi...
okay kite sambung cite tadi..haha
aku try berlagak tenang...tapi xdapat...air muka aku menggambarkan smuanye..hahaha...
that time aku beli byk gler coklat...nak tenangkan diri..
spai je mase...aku smakin redha ngan smuanye..hahaha...aku merelakan ape soalan pon aku dapat...ape item pon aku dapat...hahaha